Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What are you searching for?

What is it that so many people are searching for? Why are so many of us looking, searching, reading, meditating, watching videos, volunteering, being mindful, processing information, praying, not praying, cleansing their chakras, going to seminars, buying expensive programs, searching the web, trying to find the key to becoming a better version of themselves, and so on, and so on, and so on?

There are several answers, however, the one you are most likely searching for is the one at the tip of your fingers – just barely out of reach. Why you ask? The answer is just to simple. We as humans tend to over complicate things. Especially when those things are simple.

When you boil all of this down to it's simplest form you end up with a couple of main questions. The first main question is – Why? Why can't I get ahead? Why am I stuck at a dead end job? Why does everyone else have _______ and I don't?

The second set of questions goes something like this -
What's my purpose or life path? I feel like I was born for something greater than this, so – where is it?  I just know there is something more.....well, more.

So with all of these questions rattling around in our brains we turn to those who we think will provide all the answers in their book or program in exchange for a hefty purchase price. Sure there are tons of free webinars, articles, audio's & meetings to choose from on this topic.  Although these can be helpful & informative, they never truly get down to the nitty gritty and you're left to continue your search feeling alone and broken.

You. Are. Not. Broken. There is nothing wrong with you or your energy, your aura, your meditation process, your energetic signature, your prayers or lack there of, your job, your spouse, or your dog or your but. I don't promote buying into those expensive programs, books, classes & audios. You could listen to them a million times and not change one single bit, or you could listen to them 1 time and be forever changed. Sometimes it's not the message or the messenger. Sometimes its not them. Sometimes, its you.

The point here is that when you are ready it won't matter who is speaking or what you are reading or listening to. When you are ready for the message, the message will find you. Perhaps it will find you in a song, a letter, a book, a movie or in a conversation with a stranger in the check-out line of the Circle-K.

Like I said before, the answer is simple. So simple, it's almost impossible for our brains to Not make it all complicated.

Yes, the answer is different for everyone (not really). The answer comes to everyone in different ways. It comes in many different words, languages, thoughts, feelings and so on. Sometimes it even comes in the form of something that appears to be negative or unexpected. The point here is that if you are open to receiving the answer, it will show up.

With so many different perspectives out there it's hard to know which one(s) are the real deal. The thing to know here is that most of them are saying mostly the same thing.

They are saying: Love your self.        

Love. Your. Self.

Love yourself unconditionally with joy & passion. 

Love yourself enough to:
forgive yourself & forgive others – often,
pamper yourself & pamper others,
listen, pray, sleep late, wake up early, sit in silence,
be considerate, donate your time, donate some cash,
eat right, eat cake, play hooky, watch the sunrise,
be at peace, find your bliss, live in the moment,
experience joy, gratitude, eat chocolate, drink wine,
drink water, live in the moment, day dream & dance in the rain.

I'm sure you've heard that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself. Let us take a closer look at that.

You can't possibly love your neighbor very much if you don't love yourself very much. Loving yourself isn't selfish. Well.... maybe it is. However, it's a good kind of selfish.  After all, if you don't love yourself, how will you ever love anyone else or receive love from another person or even “love your neighbor”?  People can only give or receive love to the depth that they have experienced love themselves.

Humor me for just a minute and list the top 5 things you love-

Now, you probably listed things like: your children, your parents, your pets, money, cars, houses, foods, friends, careers, etc...

The big question is, did you put yourself on that list?

Think about that for a while. Explore and discover why you included yourself or why you didn't. Don't beat yourself up and don't be critical. Be kind to yourself and don't take any shit from that negative little voice in your head.