Monday, July 13, 2015

Synchronicity and the Flow of Positive Energy

    Today I thought I would dive into the topic of synchronicity, what it is and how to experience it more often.

Why would you want to be synchronistic and what would you be in sync with anyway?   Lets take a look -

What is synchronicity -
My understanding of synchronicity is when everything just seems to fall into place.  Have you ever run into just the right person at just the right time?  That's synchronicity.  Have you ever needed a few extra bucks or received an unexpected check in the mail or found a $20.00 bill in your jacket pocket?  That's synchronicity.  When your wants and needs are aligned with your true purpose & intentions, things in life just seem to work better.  Some call it luck, others might call it easy street, and I call it synchronicity. Whatever you chose to call it doesn't matter.  What matters is the real life results you experience when you become aware of it.  The more synchronicity you experience the better you are at identifying it.  the more you tune into it, the more you attract it into your life.  This is kind of like tuning into a radio station on an old fashioned dial.  A little to far to the left and all you get is static.  Being aware of synchronicity is more important than understanding it.  Why? Simply because the actual process of being in a state of awareness acts like a beacon for more synchronistic events to come into your life.

What on earth are you trying to be in sync with anyway?  Truth be told, there are more ways to answer this question than there is room on this blog.  But here is my simplified take on the subject.  I align myself with the flow of positive energy.  Sounds hokey right?  Not really, and here's why- According to Einstein, energy can neither be created nor destroyed.  Energy can only change form.  Even if that was all you knew about energy, you could easily assume that by changing your energy you could change your life.  There are tons of quotes, books, guru's and experiments that go on to explain and document this in greater detail.  However, for today's purpose, let us agree that different energies have different frequencies.  Frequency is just the rate at which energy vibrates.  I'm sure you have heard the phrase "I have a bad vibe" from at least one person before.  That's exactly what I'm talking about.  The key here is to stay in the positive spectrum of energy because this is where all the Magic happens!

So, how do I get to the positive spectrum of energy and once I'm there, how do I stay there?
Getting into the positive spectrum of energy is easy.  All you have to do is make a conscious choice to be happy.  Sing a favorite song, dance in your kitchen, reminisce with an old friend, go play, have some fun and remember what it 'feels like' to just be happy.  You will know when you are in the positive spectrum of energy because you will feel happy, you will feel the joy and you will feel the love.  You will know when you are in the negative spectrum of energy because you will have feelings of things like doubt, guilt, and self pity.  When these feelings creep up on you it's your job to observe them briefly then move on.  Don't sweep them under the rug, just acknowledge them and more forward with your day.  The quickest way to turn a negative into a positive is to get out there, be happy, go play, and remind yourself that you are in control of your mood.  Laughter truly is the best medicine. 

Here is a list of easy-to-do things that can help encourage and maintain positive energy flow:

1. Laugh daily & often
2. Meditate daily. (as little as 10 minutes or as much as you like)
3. Pray
4. In case you have forgotten, figure out what really makes you happy.
5. Don't be afraid to be silly, embrace it.
6. Just the act of smiling helps increase your mood.
7. Keep a gratitude journal.
8. Exercise - even if it's just a few minutes.
9. Get enough sleep. (7-8 hours minimum)
10. Aromatherapy - yes, this actually works.
11. Creative visualizations (often incorporated into meditation)

 I highly recommend daily meditations as a way to release the negative energies, increase positive energy flow and restore overall balance.  If you don't know how to meditate or aren't sure if you are doing it right, contact me and I will be happy to share my meditation techniques with you.

As I stated before, everything resonates at a particular frequency.  Even the oils used in Aromatherapy.  The use of essential oils can help to maintain and sometimes even facilitate positive energy flow.  I have experienced great success when I combine meditation, essential oils and visualizations.

Remember, there is no "One size fits all" when it comes to getting in and staying in the flow positive energy.  Try combining different techniques and keep a journal of what works best for you.  Keeping track of synchronistic events and how you got there will help you to map out your own personal recipe for success and happiness.

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