Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Pre-Detox Chronicles Part 1 - Fiber

Please be aware that for the next several weeks I will be chronicling our personal family detox journey.  This is not my usual style, however, I wanted to present a real & unedited feel to this blog during our journey.  We are detoxing for many reasons including yeast overgrowth.  We are also taking this opportunity to detox or Cleanse our spiritual selves and other aspects of our lives.

If you prefer to not hear about bodily functions, tortuous fiber drinks, sugar deprivation induced madness, random thoughts, funky new recipes gone wrong (or right), herbs and essential oil faux-pas and other miscellaneous  weirdness that might lean a little towards the Misfit - Hippie realm, then please, for the love of God, don't read my blog until after the new year. And please don't correct my grammar.  When I go back to writing more formal posts I will re-implement proper grammar.  

OK, the fiber in the Orange container is definitely NOT my friend! LOL.  Nothing against it, it's just not for me.  I've been using the LOCLO fiber in the white container for years with no issues.  I have even used that most popular Meta... fiber without complaint.  But this organic 365 brand will be finding a new home far, far away from me! I didn't even take a full dose (2tbs).  I took 1 level teaspoon and OMG the agony almost brought me to tears.  It kept me up most of the night feeling like a balloon with a pin hole in it.   Funny and gross, I know, but hey - if I can save you from the pain it's worth it.

Lesson for today - always test your fiber for a couple of days with a small dose before taking the recommended amount.

I can't even imagine how miserable I would have been had I taken the recommended amount.

Please note that everyone is not the same and what works for me may not work for you.  This post is intended for educational purposes only.  It is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure in any way. Always consult with your health care professional before taking any supplements or OTC products.

If you are interested in learning more about the LOCLO fiber or ordering some for yourself, click the link below.   It actually tastes ok - kind of like apple pie.

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